A 6 month inner voice focused 1:1 coaching program

If you were not afraid, what would you do?

Who would you be?

Intuition Infusion is a 6 month container to uncover the answer to that question and start to live it.

This container is about freedom. 

Many humans are under the illusion that freedom does not belong to them, or it is not allowed for them, or it is not an option.

Intuition Infusion is a space of permission, for allowing in more freedom. 

Often “freedom” is dressed up in other outfits…

…like a successful business, or a healthy body, or a new relationship. We make it about, “I want this because I think it will make me feel how I want to feel.” We make our experiences conditional. 

We often don’t realize that really, the thing we’re focused on isn’t the thing we most deeply desire. What we want most is a whole life that is in soul-alignment and full of freedom. 

We try to seek this feeling in external circumstances, rather than going within first to build a strong foundation of internal freedom. When you radiate freedom and live from a state of freedom, the things you desire inevitably find this irresistible.

For most of my life I tried to create things (like a career, relationships, and physical health for starters) thinking it would give me the feeling I wanted: Freedom.

I thought, “Once I have this, THEN I’ll be free.”

Over the last year, I discovered I was exhausted from striving, hustling, and feeling like I’d never done enough to earn the happiness I wanted. So I decided I would rather feel good first, regardless of the outcome. I would rather feel fulfilled, at peace, and joyful in my life regardless of what my career, relationships, or even health looked like.

I threw “earning it” out the window.

I was then surprised to find…

…that once I started letting myself feel really good in my current circumstances, things I desired started dropping into my lap. Sometimes things I didn’t even know I wanted yet. 

🔮 A dream apartment in a dream location.

🔮 An enormously beautiful deepening in my marriage.

🔮 New friendships that felt soul-aligned.

🔮 Flowing out of day jobs that didn’t feel like me, into a new business that felt effortless.

🔮 Opportunities to make more money for less labor.

🔮 Client relationships that feel expansive, fun, and creative.

🔮 Healing of chronic physical symptoms that I’d had for years.

🔮 A totally transformed and freeing relationship with food.

All of this from allowing myself to feel good in my life as it was, by connecting with my inner voice (intuition) in a regular practice.

(More on what that is below!)

I’ve learned that once we discover our alignment first (what feels good and nourishing rather than just what you “should” do), freedom begins to flow in naturally. 

From this state of freedom, we can create what we desire out of love and allowing rather than hustle.

Intuition Infusion is about how you really want to feel. 

It is a space for you to really look at:

“What is not working for me? What is not feeling so good? Can I be brave enough to look at it, and choose something else, allow something else?”

This can be scary to do alone. Intuition Infusion is a space for you to experience this inquiry and personal transformation in collaboration and relationship.

You have full permission to be as you are. 

This 6 months is not about, “You need to perform, and you need to achieve this outcome, and you need to stop being the way you are. You’re making mistakes, stop it!”

This is a space to drop all of that.

This is a space of permission granting for you to be yourself…

…in a world where it’s easy to feel like this is not allowed. Like there is something wrong with you, like you’re not supposed to be as you are, especially if you’re experiencing something unwanted or uncomfortable. 

This is a space of allowing you to have permission for all experiences, including a different one from what you now have. 

How do we get there? Meet your inner voice

Inner voice = intuition / soul / inner being / inner knowing.

Your inner voice (intuition) is the eternal You. The part of you that has always been there underneath your conditioning, programming, and fears. The part of you that is always at peace, always in the now, always unconditionally loving.

We begin this container by getting to deeply know this part of you through facilitated conversation. I’ll be teaching you the practice I’ve used for the last 2+ years to connect with the inner voice through meditation, as well as exploring other more active methods. Even if you’ve never meditated before, you’ll be guided every step of the way.

No matter how you do it, connecting with your inner voice relaxes your nervous system into a naturally healing state, releases unprocessed emotions that hold you back, and rewires limiting beliefs. 

What to expect in Intuition Infusion:

PHASE 1: Getting to know the inner voice + Releasing stuck emotions

👉🏼 Meet your inner voice, the YOU underneath your thinking mind

👉🏼 Learn how to “get out of your head”

👉🏼 Learn how to safely release unprocessed emotions for instant freedom

PHASE 2: Getting to know your alignment + desires

👉🏼 Discover what brings you deep joy + peace, and incorporate this into daily life to set a foundation of alignment

👉🏼 Deepen your trust in your inner voice as it guides your alignment

👉🏼 Clarify your big desires

PHASE 3: Creating your desires + Disidentifying from the mind’s conditioning

👉🏼 Allow your inner voice to guide each next step towards manifesting your desire

👉🏼 Practice taking aligned action

👉🏼 Gain awareness of your mind’s fears, criticism, and judgements that keep you small, and choose a more expansive perspective

Release the mind’s conditioning

Allow + Receive the inner voice’s perspective

Reclaim your personal sovereignty

Become your fully expressed self

Intuition Infusion includes:

6 months of weekly 1:1 coaching calls

Inner voice facilitation (live guided meditation)

Recordings of every call

Optional messaging support via Voxer or WhatsApp


$350/month for 6 months

Schedule a call with me via the form below for a free, truly no-pressure chat to see if Intuition Infusion is right for you.

What’s most important to me is your alignment and doing what feels best to you, not convincing you to be my client 😘

Questions? Send me an email!

What My Clients Are Saying:

“I feel so inspired to be connecting with myself first thing each day, so I can truly live more deeply from this inspired intuitive place. 

So far I have more focused attention, I'm spending my time doing what feels fulfilling and lively. [I’m able to] do more and with higher quality results, connect deeper and be way more present with my relationships, and allow for more fun and creativity. 

I've been feeling much more capable of taking care of myself; my health has improved, my body is moving way more, I'm smiling often again.

[I learned] that my love and light is so much stronger than my dark shields of protection. That trusting my intuition IS the path to all that I desire; service, love, fun, fulfillment, satisfaction. 

I learned that I'm quite powerful in my abilities to tap into my power and gifts. I learned that every part of me feels much safer and way more deeply connected with my intuition taking the wheel instead of my mind trying to be in control and protection (including my mind). 

I learned that my biggest decision and focus is to focus forward, and be consistent with my choices to connect and trust intuition's leadership and guidance... because it's got me <3”

— Emily

“Definitely had something shift. The following day [after our session] I was on a roll, felt more present and connected than I had in a long time. It was like I had a tangible release of an inner burden. I have more energy to work with & it's wonderful.

[I noticed] more energy throughout the day, less foggy-mind. I could paint for hours when previously I'd barely make it 20min before getting distracted.. I painted into the night! The focus is a huge plus. Feels like there's less in the way of doing just about anything.

[I learned] that my voice was never lost, just resting. You don't need to fear failure. The pen is mightier & your intuition/guidance never leaves you.

Go do it. Lorna is a delight and [connecting with your intuition is] a very gentle process.”

— Becka

“During and after the Vitality Activation session, I came face-to-face with fear located in my solar plexus, blocking my ability to believe in myself and have confidence in my work. The session allowed me to pinpoint where I was holding this fear in my body (which happens to correspond with where my digestive issues are). 

During and after the session, I was able to get a clear picture of what was holding me back so I could lay the groundwork for my business, and so I could overcome the creative blocks and health blocks that I have been experiencing.

I am feeling a lot less stressed about the business because that session and my meditation afterwards helped me figure out the steps I need to take to get started and realize that I can focus on one step at a time which will take a lot of pressure off of me. I haven't been feeling the tight knots of stress in my stomach this week.

I would say to definitely do it! You'll uncover so much about yourself!”

— Christie