
Podcast Episodes

Rooted Souls with Becca Speert: The Wisdom Of Your Body & Your Inner Voice


👑 “That’s what the healing process is, it’s just coming back to your truth over and over and over until you start to see how real it is.”

👑 “Miracles can be really commonplace once we understand where our truth is.”

We talk about:

🔮 How my intuitive healing journey started, and what it means to live your life from your inner wisdom

🔮 The journey clients go on when they work with me (aka shifting from fear + stress to unconditional love + peace)

🔮 Why everything ultimately comes down to allowing

🔮 What Becca loved about her Vitality Activation experience with me

🔮 Different ways you can practice connecting with your inner voice moment to moment

🔮 How you can quiet your mind and tell the difference between intuition and thought

🔮 The story of my cancer scare in 2020 and how it taught me that intuition is trustworthy

🔮 How to start your own intuitive practice for ease, clarity, peace, and joy

🔮 Different ways your intuition might be communicating with you

🔮 What might be blocking you from hearing your intuition

🔮 The importance of feeling your feelings, and how you can do it gently and safely

🔮 What to do when you feel pain, discomfort, or even chronic illness symptoms in your body

🔮 What your intuition / inner voice / inner wisdom really is

🔮 Why connecting with your intuition is an art AND a science

🔮 Why you don’t have to compare your intuitive practice (or any other part of your life) to anyone else’s

🔮 How you can navigate your sensitivity as an empath and/or Highly Sensitive Person

If you find this conversation helpful, please send it to a friend who might enjoy it too!

Spirit of Mother by Amber Dolan-Bath: Ep 52 | The Inner Voice Guides the Path to Sovereignty with Lorna Stell


👑 “I go inward to go outward. The more I went inward to discover my own sovereignty, I could see that in other people too.”

👑 “Seeing and feeling the truth in your body is a really natural organic process.”

👑 “The more I do this process of finding my personal resistances and letting them reintegrate into my whole being, the more I find it’s so natural, actually, to just feel emotions and it flows through you.”

👑 “Having fun is the most important.”

👑 “We see so many more dimensions of life and consciousness when we have more than just ourselves.”

We talk about:

🔮 Who is Lorna Stell?

🔮 Finding love and acceptance for all through my own awakening

🔮 Why I’m no longer interested in controlling other people

🔮 My story of growing up in a religious culture and experiencing codependency

🔮 Discovering my own sovereignty through my inner voice & emotional release

🔮 How to create more ease, pleasure, clarity, and joy in your life

🔮 The easiest ways I’ve found to relax and release our resistance to life’s ebbs & flows

🔮 Synchronicities that occur when listening to my own inner voice

🔮 Big areas of resistance we face while navigating life

🔮 The inner voice guides the move to Salem, MA

🔮 Becoming my fully expressed self through my personal style

🔮 How to work with Lorna Stell & her offerings

🔮 Root Chakra Meditation led by Amber Dolan-Bath

If you find this conversation helpful, please send it to a friend who might enjoy it too!

Sublime Soul Surrender with Cosmos, MD: Trust, Co-Regulation & Intuition


👑 “My inner voice has described to me the thinking mind’s concept of what safety is, and it was showing me a locked safe. You can be in here, nothing can get in or out, and that also means you don’t have much space to grow.”

👑 “Releasing all of those stuffed emotions is a great way to access more safety really quickly.”

👑 “Wherever you are at in your stage of the healing journey, that’s perfect for you right now. You receive the wisdom that you need at that time. You’re not doing it wrong, even if it feels like you have decades of stuff to work out. It means that what you have is medicine.”

👑 “This is a practice. You can grow your intuitive muscle if you want to, it’s a conscious choice. So if you want to learn how to do yoga, you practice it over time. It’s like any other thing that you want to learn how to do.”

👑 “You are all gifts, and you all have this intuition. Everybody has the capacity and the ability to engage with their body, mind, and soul, and use that intuition.”

We talk about:

🔮 How you have all the answers you need within you

🔮 Healing is uncovering your truth and coming back into alignment with your body

🔮 What 1:1 facilitated Vitality Activation sessions with me are like

🔮 My mission in my work as an Intuitive Healing Guide—Helping people strengthen the skill of connecting with their inner being, and making the choice more often to listen to it

🔮 Nervous system regulation through connecting with your intuition + inner voice

🔮 Having me as a coregulator during Vitality Activation sessions

🔮 The thinking mind’s limited concept of safety 

🔮 How to teach your body to feel safer over time

🔮 How feeling and releasing “stuffed” unprocessed emotions can help you quickly access more safety in your body

🔮 Cosmos shares what their experience was like in a mini Vitality Activation session with me

If you find this conversation helpful, please send it to a friend who might enjoy it too!



You read that right—healing—not just managing chronic symptoms. Even though you may never hear it in a doctor’s office, healing is possible. But most empaths and Highly Sensitive People (HSP) are missing the key ingredient.